mardi 19 octobre 2010

Soccer/Football...or lack there of

So you would think: France>Europe>Football(Soccer) but it is so much harder than you would think to just find somewhere to play...
Sports aren't important to the majority of people here. They only have gym for 2 hours one time every week, and they play like 4 sports collectively for the whole year. The have Intramural sports on wednesdays after school, but most schools only have one sport and this year its Rugby... and no one plays... so there isn't a point in going.

If I wanted to play soccer, I would need a club license from the united states, it cost a hefty sum of money, an awful lot of time, and the Fall season is already almost over... so Soccer in the Fall is out! I keep looking for different places that I can play soccer inside/outside/or both, but there is no luck to be had. My host family keeps telling me that I really just can't because, even if I could find a club, I don't have the time to devote to it... Maybe in the Spring when I am more comfortable with everything I can try to find a soccer club to join. I know that French Exchange Students in the past have not had this much trouble finding somewhere to play soccer. I think that maybe because I'm 18 I have to provide more literature on my ability to play soccer, but it's not like I wanna go traveling the world with a semi-professional team... I just wanna play some soccer!

Hopefully I will be able to go to a game sometime soon! My host dad coaches a semi-pro team, and I think we will go to one of their games soon. I also expressed an interest in going to a national game, like the premier league, and I think that its plausible and really not expensive (like 35-45 Euro). I'm hoping that before the real winter weather hits, that I will be able to see a Professional game! This is my venting about the lack of sports, I never thought of myself as somewhere very "sporty" until I got here and all I wanna do is throw a baseball around or shoot some hoops... BUT I CAN'T! It's so frustrating!
Maybe I'll find a new sport that I love to play here, that is more accessible, and blogging doesn't count... although there are blogging related injuries, such as tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome...

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